Progress of works on the construction site of the Municipal Stadium in Katowice

Works on the construction site of the municipal stadium in Katowice are in full swing – the last weeks have been devoted to preparing and levelling the ground for the investment.

The first stage of the Katowice investment involves the construction of a stadium that will accommodate almost 15 thousand supporters, a sports and entertainment hall, two training fields, the main square, parking lots for supporters and internal road infrastructure.

I am convinced that this facility will become another landmark of the city. I believe that the stadium will fit into the landscape of Katowice and will become recognisable. It will be visible from the A4 motorway,” says Marcin Krupa, Mayor of Katowice. “We want it to be functional, tailored to the needs of Katowice, and, most of all, modern and well-integrated into the city,” adds the Mayor, who emphasises that the undoubted advantage of implementing the investment in this place is the possibility of revitalising another area of our city.

The General Contractor is NDI, a company based in Sopot. Currently, the works related to macro levelling, i.e. levelling the ground, are being completed.

Due to the previous shallow mining operations and diverse ground conditions, additional geotechnical tests are currently being carried out at the level of the foundation of the facilities, preceding the subgrade reinforcement,” says Arkadiusz Tuszkowski, Project Director from NDI, the General Contractor of the investment.

At the same time, advanced works on the development of a mound for training pitches are being carried out. Preparatory works to build the foundation layers for the road on Upadowa Street from Bocheńskiego Street are also underway.

The next stage is the reinforcement of the subgrade for the foundation of the building in the area of the stadium and the hall building as well as the continuation of works related to the implementation of spacers and implementation of sanitary, electrical and teletechnical network connections,” announces the Project Director Arkadiusz Tuszkowski from NDI, a company based in Sopot. “In addition, together with the Principal, we strive to ensure that the current economic situation has the least impact on the works being carried out.”

According to the schedule, the first stage of the investment, including the construction of a stadium, a sports hall, two training pitches, parking spaces and the necessary road infrastructure should be completed by the end of August 2024. As part of the second stage of the construction of the complex, four additional training pitches, a field for goalkeeping practice, additional roads and parking spaces will be added to the existing facilities. The first stage of the investment will cost approx. PLN 205 million, while the second one, estimated on the basis of an investor’s cost estimate, is approx. PLN 42 million. The construction of the sports complex will be financed from the city budget and bonds.

What is included in the investment?

The stadium will be a single-space, one-storey, above-ground structure with enclosed facilities (kiosks) under the auditorium, while the sports hall is a facility with 3 above-ground storeys. The entire sports complex will be surrounded by a 50×50 cm roofed colonnade supporting the steel roof structure.

The functional structure of the stadium is shaped by the pitch, the auditorium and the roof. The auditorium will be made up of four inclined stands connected by diagonal corners, under which four gates are located, allowing car access to the pitch (105×68 m) and ensuring ventilation of the turf (equipped with drainage, irrigation and heating systems).

The southern, eastern, and northern stands will ultimately consist of 21 uplifted rows, while the western stand will consist of 20 rows due to the functional connection with some rooms on the 2nd floor of the sports hall building (including VIP lounges). The total number of seats for supporters in the auditorium will be 14,843 (including 14,807 seats and 36 seating areas for disabled people), and the total number of seats in the stadium will be 14,893 (50 seats for media and multimedia service representatives). There are 773 seats for visiting guests in sector 16 and partially in sectors 15 and 17. It is possible to extend the visitors’ supporter zone by sector 17 in the area of the northern stand (by another 417 seats). In turn, 563 seats in the central part of the west stand are the so-called VIP area. In the north-west part of the stadium 187 seats will be a zone of the family sector.

The stadium will be equipped with 2 jumbotrons with dimensions of approx. 4.9×6.9 m.

Sports hall. The representative entrance zone to the sports hall building is the southern entrance courtyard and the two-storey entrance hall with exposure to the indoor sports hall. It will be equipped with 2,792 seats and a wide bypass at the level of the last row of seats. On the west and east side of the above-mentioned zone, there are all other functions that contribute to the functional and utility programme of the sports complex of the stadium and the hall, including sports facilities, the complex of VIP rooms, the complex of monitoring rooms, the complex of media service rooms for events, administrative facilities, service and technical facilities. There is a car park for security and emergency services under the courtyard.

Land development. As part of the first stage of the investment, approximately 252 parking lots for cars (including 13 parking lots for people with disabilities) and 11 parking lots for coaches will be built. In the vicinity of the stadium, a part of the communication system will also be built, along with pavements. Trees and shrubs will be planted, and street furniture will appear.


