Reconstruction of the DK91, Zawada – Siedlec Duży is underway

The NDI Group is rebuilding a 5-km section of the DK91, which is part of the Trans-European Transport Network. The investment will significantly improve road safety. Work is progressing according to the schedule.

The beginning of the reconstructed section is located in the area of the intersection with Długa Street in Zawada, then it runs through Romanów, Siedlec Mały up to the border with Siedlec Duży. Under the contract, a consortium of NDI Group companies is performing, among other things, the reconstruction of the roadway along with intersections and building emergency crossings. Culverts will be rebuilt not only under the DK91, but also in the course of roadside ditches under the exits to the adjacent areas. There will also be noise barriers, road lighting and herpetological fences to channel the migration routes of amphibians and reptiles. The investor of the construction is the Katowice branch of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. The value of the contract is over PLN 119 million.

Currently on site

– This project involves the complete demolition of the existing road surface, construction of a new dual carriageway GP class road, with two lanes in each direction,” said Marek Żegunia, site construction manager from the NDI Group. Apart from road works, we are also constructing new networks, safeguards and reconstruction of colliding networks, including works related to power and teletechnical installations, construction of a new lighting system with its power supply, and construction of a technological duct. From the sanitary branch, we are dealing with the reconstruction of the water mains and the construction of the rainwater drainage system. In addition, in the construction sector, we have noise barriers to make, and in the bridge sector, we are removing eight culverts and building seven new ones,” explains the site manager.

Once completed, the road will be adapted to handle local traffic and a speed limit will be introduced to improve safety, while noise barriers will protect against noise.

– The road had been in need of repair for many years. This route was present even before the WWII, it’s made of clinker pavers and then repaired in the 1970s, hence its common name – ‘Gierkówka’. The scope of our work includes the complete demolition of all existing layers of this road, including the one that is more than 100 years old. For this reason, we cooperated with the Voivodship Conservator of Historical Monuments,” added Marek Żegunia, the site construction manager from NDI Group.

Works on the road are taking place with the roadway being kept passable. Works are currently concentrated on the left-hand side of the carriageway, with traffic being routed on the right-hand side. To reduce the risk of collisions, existing energy barriers have been left in the separation lane.

– We have now demolished the left lane of the road, the works are being performed according to schedule. Excavation works are at the halfway point, and demolition work is also slowly coming to an end,” said Adrian Pluta, road works manager from the NDI Group.We have also started the works with construction layers, such as the frostbite layer, the auxiliary layer and the base course layer.

With the onset of autumn, bituminous works for the laying of the base course and binder course are planned to begin. Once these are completed, traffic will be shifted to the left-hand side of the carriageway and construction work will start on the right-hand side.

