Solidarity in difficult times. We have donated online learning equipment

Our company donated computer equipment to children from disadvantaged families. 10 laptops and 10 tablets went to large families and single parents. These families are supported by MOPS (Social Welfare Centre in Sopot) and the Sopocki Dom Association. Computer equipment will enable children to learn online and also participate in classes led by the Sopocki Dom Association on an educational platform. It will also serve the whole family for video meetings with a social worker and family assistant.

“In this difficult time we must be supportive and help each other. We are a company originating from Sopot and we always try to direct help first in our immediate surroundings. Providing children with access to education is extremely important – no one knows when it will be possible to return to school safely. I hope that the equipment provided by us will allow efficient participation in e-learning classes for children under the care of the Social Welfare Centre in Sopot,” says Małgorzata Winiarek-Gajewska, the President of NDI Sopot SA.

NDI Sopot SA donated computer equipment worth over PLN 13 thousand. Tablets have been specially purchased for children, while laptops come from the company’s resources, have been refurbished and prepared by IT professionals. Each laptop is equipped with a new power supply, wireless mouse and basic office software.

“Thank you very much for your kindness and commitment to social issues. We are glad that you do not forget about the people most in need in these difficult times for all,” says Andrzej Czekaj, the director of the Social Welfare Centre in Sopot. Remote learning is a huge challenge especially to families with many children who do not have a computer or have one piece of equipment for the whole family. Somehow they try to manage in a different way. In some cases, they use computers borrowed from school or a mobile phone. The donated computer equipment will make it easier for children to learn online and it will be an important video contact tool with the families with us,” emphasises the director of the Social Welfare Centre in Sopot.

A Meal for Effort

NDI made also a donation to support the action “A Meal for Effort”, initiated by the Gdańsk Economic Development Foundation. As a part of the campaign, warm, two-course meals are provided for medical staff and seniors – including the charges of Municipal Family Support Centre (MOPR). The action is twofold; it shows gratitude and recognition to all health professionals, while at the same time preserving the jobs of chefs of Gdańsk.

